Monday, June 23, 2014

BEST summer EVER!!

Literally. I've told people I feel like I'm in high school, because I haven't had this much free time (and extra energy) in the summer since I was in high school. It was really hard for a couple of weeks not being at Camp All-American (because we were living with our parents and I drove by it every day) -- but since moving down to Dunwoody and seeing our bff's all the time, I am realizing that there IS life after Camp All-American -- and it's super FUN!!

Kayaking, hiking, running, yoga, being with friends, team USA winning!!,  interesting jobs, and a varied schedule are making for the perfect summer.

My instagram and Facebook pics tell the story of our summer pretty well, but I'll just fill in a few gaps here (for those who are interested :) )

I LOVE my internship with Calvin Edwards & Company. I'm learning how to write, and I'm exposed to the most fascinating ideas in the most optimistic industry--philanthropy. Consider this, which Calvin Edwards expostulated on in a recent lunch and learn:

Premise 1- The United States is by far the most generous nation, per capita.
Premise 2- A fundamental pre-condition of generously giving to a cause is optimism -- you believe that the world can change.
Premise 3- The United States is characteristically optimistic.
Conclusion- There is probably a connection between the US's optimistic culture, and its level of giving.

And WOW I am thinking SO optimistically. Even if nothing else comes from this internship, I am so grateful for how it is shaping a vision of our future. Marshall and I could change the world! You could change the world! SO many people are dedicated to causes that change. the. world.!!

I also love working for the Acts 29 Network! I'm learning a lot about the network, I got to MEET A CELEBRITY!!! I met Matt Chandler, in case anyone didn't hear. !! AND I get to go work at / enjoy the Pastors' Retreat down in Miami next week -- And Marshall gets to join me!! I'm working with some great people and friends of both me and Marshall, so it's going to be a great week!!

And my classes are going well -- I'm done with Accounting and almost done with Finance, and they've both been really interesting and the perfect amount of challenging! The world is SUCH an interesting place, and there's so many interesting things happening -- life is good :)

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