Thursday, December 29, 2011

Why am I blogging again?

Yesterday was full of happy little things, like 
  • How much I just like Marshall. He does cool stuff. He cooks, he knows a lot about technology and enjoys troubleshooting, he is personable, he kayaks and hikes with me, he's athletic, and he's thoughtful and compassionate. He's great! I think we're going to do great together.
  • Our premarital counseling class had us take this test that says that we are very compatible, based on personality traits and our backgrounds. It's always fun to hear that from  an "official" source.
  • Coffee with my friend Anna--she's getting her Master's at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland; what an adventure! I think that's amazing to get to travel the world and live abroad, but what I always realize from talking to people who are doing that is that I am right where I want to be. This is home!
  • The main character in The Hunger Games is named Catniss--as in, Katness--a great noun to sum up all things that make my sister Kat, Kat.
  • Saturday Night Live's Weekend Update can be super HILARIOUS. Mine and Kat's new favorite segments: "Get in the Cage" and Stefon.

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