Sunday, January 6, 2013

We made an offer on this crazy awesome house. The awesome part is that just last year, it was worth more than double what it is now, but now WE can afford it because it foreclosed. It's on a cul-de-sac, it's beautiful, in a great neighborhood, in a great location--so many things about it are perfect. The crazy part is that WE are trying to buy it. It's been on the market like 48 hours now, and it has around 20 offers. Because it's that awesome. It would be CRAZY if we get this house.

Our lender is awesome. So is our realtor. They've worked with us so much more than I would have expected this weekend, to help us have the best chance possible of getting this house. But when it comes down to it, we KNOW it will be an act of GOD if they choose OUR offer. Maybe they'll think we're cute and want us to have it? We'd be so much better in an interview than on paper.

I haven't been able to nap this afternoon even though I'm still tired from Passion, because my mind and heart are racing thinking about "OMG what if we get this house?! NO--don't get too excited, there's no way y'all will get it."

And the way I'm coping haha right now is remembering that, as they helped us meditate on at Passion, God does immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine. Specifically, Paul gives thanks in Ephesians 3:20 "to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think. . . " I've been able to chill out a little thinking about all the ways I've seen God do ABUNDANTLY MORE in my life than I ever could have known to ask. I've concluded that yes, we are asking for this house, and it would be MORE than we could have expected. But we've already seen God give abundantly through the amazing people we get to work with--our lender, realtor, and family--and HE himself, knowing him, is so much more than I ever could have asked or imagined. Romans 8:28 says, "And we know that all things work together for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose." So maybe the "good" he has for us is getting this house. Maybe it's not. I've seen him be faithful to this promise in ways I would have wanted and in ways I never could have imagined--so that's what I'm "resting" in, as I attempt to rest and catch up on sleep.

I mean watch the premier of Downton Abbey.

We'll find out about the house on THURSDAY!!

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