Saturday, August 17, 2013

First full week in Athens

We're here now! Marshall finished his research job at C21U and coaching at Camp
I came one day and finally met his boss
whom he's worked with for 2 years! 
 I said goodbye to camp, and we said goodbye to Atlanta

And I started with new teacher orientation and preplanning at my new school on August 5-8. Kids came August 9. And this past week was my first full week of school with students.

The "New Gym" and tons of Panthers
at Jackson County High School
Today will be us finishing up getting settled. If we were keeping a list of "worst weeks ever", last week is probably on that list for both of us because of moving. My parents helped a SO much with getting our furniture moved on Thursday a week ago; we just had a lot of "stuff" to sort through and decide what would fit at our new place and what our parents would graciously store for a few years :)

First week of school was "fine" . . . which was usually my answer to my mom when I was in high school too. Nothing extraordinarily good or extraordinarily bad. The kids are really respectful, responsive to correction, and interested in learning Spanish, and the parents seem great too. My highlight was playing the girls' varsity volleyball team with a few other teachers after school on Wednesday (in the new gym!). Marshall came up to bring my clothes, and he got roped into playing too--it was a lot of fun. I'm happy for any opportunity to get to know other teachers! Least favorite thing this week was my Smart Board--because it rarely works for one reason or another.

Marshall had Orientation for law school yesterday and Thursday. I am so excited for him as it seems like UGA Law sets the tone for students to work hard, have a positive experience, and develop good relationships while they're here. He loved the speaker they had yesterday, who cast a vision for them to use practicing law to serve others--not to serve themselves. It looks like it is going to be a challenging semester, but it also seems like he is really really prepared for what's ahead. He's so excited to finally begin heading towards what he really wants to do someday.

We are both a little apprehensive about how our new environments will change us, but I think we are both well prepared for what we will be doing this year. We are looking forward to getting to know people and settling into our routine! Marshall has one more day of orientation and then his first day of classes on Tuesday.

We miss friends/family/co-workers in Atlanta! I've really appreciated people letting me know they're thinking/praying for me this week :)

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