Sunday, November 3, 2013

An update from CRISP and BEAUTIFUL Athens!

My heart is full. Life is beautiful in Athens. Fall is beautiful, crisp air is beautiful, UGA's campus is beautiful, Fairy Princess . . . is a hermit. Marriage/ the companionship it brings are beautiful, candy corn for $0.75 is beautiful.

I think I am finally adjusting to teaching; it's been a journey, but I like kids and I definitely like the blistering, challenging pace of planning and creating and grading and learning. Even though it gets exhausting. I'm learning a lot from my kids about people who've grown up differently from me. Things are becoming more predictable, and I am increasingly in control of my classroom environment. . . which makes every day easier. Also, my student with a constant scowl who I had a major issue with last Monday never came back to my class and is now transferring to another school!! YAY.

I've gone to a few meetings lately about how my school district has no money at all. So it's sort of questionable whether I'll have a job next year--especially a full-time job--BUT I see it as a potential opportunity to try new things since I definitely don't love teaching yet.

I'm taking a personal day Friday to refuel halfway between Fall Break and Thanksgiving, we have the perfect agenda of exciting weekend plans for the next few weeks and the holidays, we're making good friends, staying in touch with good friends, and I have plenty of time to read, learn, recuperate from work, and enjoy the beautiful city we live in. Life is good.

*Disclaimer - my apologies for only blogging when life is good. The last months have been a struggle. . . I'm thankful for where I am right now!

*Another disclaimer: Marshall didn't get a fall break and can't take days off like I can . . . he's exhausted and excited that there are only 3 weeks of classes left this semester. He handles it all amazingly well and is doing amazingly well according to the midterm grades he's gotten back! VERY proud of him and so excited I get to be his partner through now and into the future. . . the future is so bright and wide open -- who knows where we'll end up! It's fun to dream!

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