Monday, May 19, 2014


Just wanted to update family and friends on new things happening with us! We are SO excited for our summer: We are looking forward to being back with old friends and with family in Atlanta this summer, but we will miss our Athens friends!! 

Marshall's summer internship with Commander Pound Butler started today!  He's excited to learn a lot  from some really cool people there, and I am thrilled for him!! It's increasingly difficult to find internships after your 1L year, so I'm very proud :) He's also excited about his classes and activities for the fall. He's been accepted for a Medical-Legal partnership, where he will get to do actual case work in healthcare law. He'll also be on the Moot Court team! 

I started working in April with the Acts 29 Network as an Events Associate, part time . It's been a HUGE blessing!! And it's not only a summer job--I'll stay on with them as long as they'll have me! :) I get to be part of a cool, expanding international organization, AND I'm getting to work with and for some great people we've become friends with this year.  I might even get to meet some "celebrities" (like Matt Chandler or Lecrae or Tedashii) at some of the events haha!! I am really looking forward to getting to focus more on my work with them once school's out on Friday!  

Starting next Tuesday, I'll also be spending about 15 hours a week learning from/interning with Calvin Edwards and Company ( ). They work primarily with potential donors to help them choose high-performing non-profit organizations, by creating comprehensive reports on those non-profits! I am really grateful to be getting all of this experience before beginning my MBA in the fall!! 

I'm also beginning my pre-course work for the MBA program. . . taking online crash course versions of Accounting, Finance, Econ., and Statistics in preparation for the fall. And it's been SEVEN YEARS since I took any sort of quantitative course at all. Bring it on. 

We'll also live with each of our parents for about a week this summer, and we'll live the rest of the time with one of my best friends and her husband, who just bought a house!! We are SO excited and grateful to all of them for opening up their homes to us this summer! :) :) 

Life in Athens (as long as I'm not teaching) is amazing--this is a GREAT place to live, and I know we will be excited to be back at the end of the summer! HAGS!!

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