Monday, September 2, 2013

Working for the Weekend!!!

I don't even remember last week because the weekend has been so fun!

Let me try. . . Marshall was mentally pretty worn out by Wednesday but made it through the week. He said it feels like he's been in law school forever because every day is so dense with information, challenges, and interactions with new friends.

Teaching was fine this week, but I'm far from convinced that this will end up being the job for me. Marshall and I talk about the future a lot--it's exciting to think where we'll end up--but at this point my dreams of what I'll be doing in our future don't involve teaching. On the other hand, everyone I've talked to says you have to give teaching time before you can love it (or even know whether you love it!). It's only been a month, so I'll just keep on keeping on.

Life in Athens is wonderful! I love walking after school with the girl who's a school counselor and lives near us. The Law School intramural tennis team started this week too, and Marshall is excited to get to play tennis often this fall!

This weekend has been glorious. We started off seeing "The Great Gatsby" on the big screen at the Tate theater for $1 each on Friday night. Saturday morning, we headed to Johns Creek to see my family for lunch to celebrate my sweet grandma's 78th birthday! It was SO fun to be together with my fam for a great lunch prepared by mom. Mmmmm peach pie.

From the Reeces', we went to the Sims' to pick everyone up in our giant Sequoia (thanks Dad!!) to go to the Alabama game at the Dome (thanks Mike!!)! The tiny little girls stayed home with a babysitter, but all the big kids and their significant others came to the game--what a treat! Wish we'd gotten a shot with everyone in it :/ But here's me and Marshall from our incredible club-level seats!

We spent the night at the Sims and woke up to have a slow morning chatting/catching up with them. Marshall and I agreed that our favorite thing that both of our families do is taking it slow and hanging out for hours talking after a good meal. Quality time!

We trekked back to Athens to have lunch with our friends Ashley and Jesse, who are here for the weekend visiting Jesse's sister who's a freshman and UGA softball player. It was so fun to see them and then have a slow afternoon, and enjoy a long run. Ashley and I had breakfast and caught up this morning, and now Marshall and I are about to spend a few hours hiking and reading at the State Botanical Gardens. Side note, I started an AMAZING book this weekend from my favorite genre:

The writer basically IS me except that she sets speed records for hiking the whole Appalachian Trail. . . What I mean is that it's about being 24 and newly married and starting a big adventure with your husband. ADVENTURE!!

To finish out the weekend, Marshall's also excited to play tennis with a law school classmate this evening. Weekends are SO glorious! Looking ahead to next weekend, I am excited about going to my first JCCHS football game Friday and then going to the UGA/USC game as a "student" on Saturday!! Thanks for reading! :)

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