Saturday, January 28, 2012


Running just hits a sweet spot sometimes. I LOVE it. My favorite runs are the ones I go on at sunset, when I have nothing else planned for the day and I can go as long and as hard as I want to. Some days, I don't leave enough time for my run, and I decide that a short, rushed run is better than no run. Recently, I haven't been running much but working out at the gym instead. Which has been great because I go with friends--but running is definitely my first love. I am REALLY excited for my run this morning--I knew I had to run today the second I woke up and I saw what today looked like. It is GORGEOUS outside!! I usually don't feel very well when I run in the mornings but at least I'll get to be outside!

Running/working out is a discipline for me. So is reading the Bible. I've learned that the intangible and unmeasurable benefits of a discipline are what distinguish a discipline from work or a hobby. For me, it's different even than the process of attaining a goal because there won't be a point in my life when I say "I've done it!" with regard to running--and then never run again.  It'll be a life-long thing.

I also rarely ask myself if I want to work out or run; there are a lot of times I don't want to but I know I'll be unhappy if I don't. There are incredible runs and terrible runs and runs I'm indifferent about. But if I didn't run consistently, I wouldn't experience any of that! Same with reading the Word--sometimes God encourages me in my deepest insecurities; other days, I don't experience anything spectacular. But it's the consistency that causes me to grow and enables me to experience those life-changing moments. I bet I'll find that marriage can be like a discipline in that way as well.

But today is a day where I can't wait to go running! Hopefully it'll be a day where I feel good and experience that "runner's high" of seemingly unending endurance. I love it!!

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