Saturday, January 7, 2012

Pursuing Happiness

God continues to be faithful to speak to me. More than I had realized, I have been seeking happiness in things other than Him--and scripture is clear that I'll never find it in anything other than following the Lord. "'They pour out drink offerings  to other gods to provoke me to anger. But am I the one they are provoking?' declares the Lord. 'Are they not rather harming themselves, to their own shame?'" (Jeremiah 7:19). In this and many other things I have read in scripture, it is clear that with regard to his people (me being one of them), God wants peace, life and joy for them. And he knows that they will only find that in knowing Him. How could I forget that?!

R.C. Sproul says it clearly when he writes, "From the primordial temptation of Adam and Eve to last night's satanic seduction, the lie has been the same. 'If you do what God says, you will not be happy. If you do what I say, you will be 'liberated' and know happiness'" (Knowing Scripture, 33).

My hope truly lies in Christ! If not for his sacrifice on my behalf--were he not the propitiation for my sin--I would have remained believing that lie, blinded in my sin. But he saved me. He set me free to find the joy I have always been looking for in the only place I can find it-- in knowing, loving and submitting to God. !!!!

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