Thursday, January 19, 2012


In the months of Marshall's and my engagement I've examined my life a lot, asking the question, "What is it going to be like to be married to me?" What are my annoying habits? Which of my weaknesses is going to have the biggest impact on me and Marshall's relationship? Are there things I can begin to grow in now that will benefit Marshall?

That thought process has helped me approach wedding planning with greater humility recently. Instead of getting frustrated with differences in how my mom and I want to do things, I've been trying to look at what I'm doing to create conflict and determine if it's representative of a consistent trait throughout my life--and pray that the Lord would grow and change me.

A related area that I need to grow in is submission. One of my coworkers teases me that I show what he considers to be symptoms of being the oldest child in my family. I'm definitely not offering that as an excuse, but I do have trouble submitting to authority. As I tried to fall back asleep when I woke up before my alarm this morning, I thought about a small but telling example of my unwillingness to submit from yesterday. I was reminded that submission to the authorities God has placed in my life (one of which will be my husband in 2 months!) is essentially trusting God. I truly do believe that the Lord knows better than I do what is best for me and that he cares for me AND that he works all things--seemingly positive or negative--for my good. So this is me choosing to walk in obedience in big and small ways by submitting to God-given authorities in my life, trusting that whatever the outcome, God has a perfect plan and is in control.

Oh, and MIKE AND MERITT GET HOME FROM CHINA TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I get to meet Maggie and Mary Henley in person!!!!!!!!!!

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