Thursday, January 5, 2012

Home from Passion 2012

What an amazing ministry Passion is--the Lord is using the leaders of the conference to do amazing things for His kingdom and renown. I can't really begin to sum up what I took away from the conference yet. I'm just trying to stay awake until 8ish tonight--it was an exhausting week, but it was well worth it!

In reading the news coverage surrounding Passion's action against human trafficking, I stumbled on this article: It is compelling to me because in the time I spent studying abroad in Spain in 2009, I heard nothing about national social issues like this. The article caught my eye because I was very impacted by the film "Biutiful" when I saw it last year--it heart-wrenchingly portrays the type of slavery that the article talks about. It's a movie worth seeing!

Also, now that I'm home I am SUPER excited to read Mike and Meritt's blog!! They picked up Mary Henley at her orphanage a few days ago, and I have finally had a chance to look at pictures they have posted.

I also can't wait to hear how Providence has been for Mary Anna. She's briefly told me it is good so far!

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