Tuesday, January 17, 2012

OH Emotions

So normally I only share thoughts/emotions with people--anyone--that are positive or indifferent. If I'm hurt by something that happens to me or is said to me, I skip over it--I'm truly not sensitive. [So no fear, those of you who I joke with constantly.] When I am emotionally affected, which is rare, I typically don't need/want to mull over it. I want to get over it and move on.

But there are those few subjects or things that upset me--I know, probably things that I have my identity tied up in that I shouldn't allow to define me. And there are those few things in the past that hurt. Through saying "It hurts" to 2 trusted people in the last few weeks, I remembered what it's like to become closer to someone through weakness. It's a good thing.

What a blessing to allow Marshall "in" and let him come through for me! Because he's there for me--and he's the only person I can talk to about a lot of things. And what a blessing to have a friend like Monica--we walked together as roommates through a confusing and emotionally tumultuous 3 month study abroad in Spain. It is good to talk with trustworthy people about things I just can't "get over" on my own. So I guess this is a shout out to Marshall and Mon, and an encouragement to others like myself: it's good sometimes to tell others "It hurts".

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