Wednesday, January 25, 2012


I came home today to an empty house (yes, I live with my parents), but I arrived at the same time as one of our close family friends who had come to give a card and flowers to my mom for her birthday. I brought them inside, and as I got a snack, I started noticing the evidence of how my mom spent her birthday: a note on the counter saying one of my cousins is coming in town February 10, several birthday gifts on the kitchen table, sticky-note reminders to my dad, sister and me, reminder of the day and time of my cousin's drivers license test that my mom registered her for, and a packed lunch in the refrigerator for Mary Anna. Someone my mom is really close to is in a really tough situation, and my mom spent last night at her house to make sure she is not alone and is okay. She will spend tonight there as well.

The care that my mom demonstrates constantly towards others is evidence of her faith in the Lord. He cares and provides and shows compassion--out of love for his people. My mom knows His love and as an outpouring of that, she gives her life for supporting and meeting needs of others. My mom's service of me and others gives me a glimpse of the depth of strength and rootedness to be found in the Lord--and I want that. Of course I want to be more like my mom; but ultimately God's work in her life is the reason for so much of who she  is. So I realized that in wanting to be more like my mom, I am essentially wanting to be more like Jesus who is the ultimate example of self-sacrifice. 

I don't know if I could ever know or express thanks for all that my mom does for me and others, but I'm thankful for her, and I love her!

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