Friday, December 20, 2013

One semester down!

And after whirlwind day of wrapping up the semester and preparing for Christmas, we'll embark in the morning for a week out of town to be with family! Very exciting. 

I am SO glad to get a two-week break. I'll be teaching a few of the same kids in my Spanish 2 class next semester, but there are others that I think I may miss. Maybe? 

I gave them surveys about my class, and the feedback was really helpful. More note-taking (Yes please!), less book work, they liked the centers we did, they LOVE when they get to write/draw on my mini individual whiteboards to practice vocab. I also asked them about my teaching style, and it looks like I struck a good balance: 

"Sra. Sims is really nice and laid-back. Not overbearing." 

"Sra. Sims is too strict sometimes." 

"She's not monotone and is always smiling and enthusiastic." 

"She's really monotone and needs to be more enthusiastic." 

I had 25% A's and a 12% failure rate, which makes a pretty nice bell curve. One student made a 100 in the class -- and he earned every single one of those 100 points. He learned 100% of what I taught this semester, and I'm glad I'll get to teach him again next semester! 

I also had a jock kid start crying today when I handed him back his well-written EOCT, on which he scored an 82, and told him that meant he'd pass the class. Which means he gets to play baseball this spring, of course! 

I started creating a collection of poetic works around October titled "Haikus of a first year teacher", and I thought I'd share a few here:

Spitball plastered tiles
Almost crushed by bad bookshelf
Hearing, smelling bats

Te llama el gum
My clothing’s like a cowgirl
Things students tell me 

52 Average
Texting’s not work; took his phone
He never came back 

This was a great class 
Even though I'm gonna fail
Thank you. Love you! --Hope

Sunday, November 3, 2013

An update from CRISP and BEAUTIFUL Athens!

My heart is full. Life is beautiful in Athens. Fall is beautiful, crisp air is beautiful, UGA's campus is beautiful, Fairy Princess . . . is a hermit. Marriage/ the companionship it brings are beautiful, candy corn for $0.75 is beautiful.

I think I am finally adjusting to teaching; it's been a journey, but I like kids and I definitely like the blistering, challenging pace of planning and creating and grading and learning. Even though it gets exhausting. I'm learning a lot from my kids about people who've grown up differently from me. Things are becoming more predictable, and I am increasingly in control of my classroom environment. . . which makes every day easier. Also, my student with a constant scowl who I had a major issue with last Monday never came back to my class and is now transferring to another school!! YAY.

I've gone to a few meetings lately about how my school district has no money at all. So it's sort of questionable whether I'll have a job next year--especially a full-time job--BUT I see it as a potential opportunity to try new things since I definitely don't love teaching yet.

I'm taking a personal day Friday to refuel halfway between Fall Break and Thanksgiving, we have the perfect agenda of exciting weekend plans for the next few weeks and the holidays, we're making good friends, staying in touch with good friends, and I have plenty of time to read, learn, recuperate from work, and enjoy the beautiful city we live in. Life is good.

*Disclaimer - my apologies for only blogging when life is good. The last months have been a struggle. . . I'm thankful for where I am right now!

*Another disclaimer: Marshall didn't get a fall break and can't take days off like I can . . . he's exhausted and excited that there are only 3 weeks of classes left this semester. He handles it all amazingly well and is doing amazingly well according to the midterm grades he's gotten back! VERY proud of him and so excited I get to be his partner through now and into the future. . . the future is so bright and wide open -- who knows where we'll end up! It's fun to dream!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


We are all connected.

--And now I know because this week, I had my first detention. Meaning I gave my first detention. Meaning I had my first detention.

And it left me figuring out how to deal with my new knowledge that it's useless to spend my life trying to get ahead. Because if I do, I'll just end up in detention because of something someone I thought I was getting ahead of did. 

Is this really how our society works?! 

. . . 

Am I really this obsessed with getting ahead!?!?

The more I think about it, yes. Yes it is. 

And yes--I guess I am. Hm. . . 

It's that kind of week. 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Every Good Weekend

I'm obsessed with Christ Community Church. Every encounter provides a glimmer of clarity and hope to our hearts. Not that life isn't beautiful . . .

I'm feeling extra whiny today, but work is hard. Tim Keller's Every Good Endeavor has helped me keep a positive outlook on my new work --I DO want to build something meaningful; I do want to make life more beautiful for others. And I do know that I'm in exactly the job I'm supposed to be in right now. And I see the beauty of it. Sometimes. Like one day last week, when I could tell my 4th block was just not with me. They're the ones whose grades overall are always noticeably lower than the other two periods' grades. When I asked what the blank stares were about, the one kid who never gets it exclaimed, "I have no idea what's going on!" --and other kids started chiming in too, and eventually we figured out what the issue was AND it was an issue with a phrase I didn't realize I hadn't taught them how to use. I was glad I asked! After that, I had all of their attention, and they all walked away actually having learned. That was a good feeling!

Other days, they press me for an answer on whether I'm a first year teacher . . . or they tell me my class is boring. . . or they just sleep and fail. Or sleep and get 100's--I'm not sure which is worse. I don't know how to manage it all yet.

I just know I don't want to start living for the weekends. . . but I don't know how not to. Especially when it's the time that sweet bff's and family come into town for fun gatherings!


But Tim Keller is right-- work is good and I need work, not just to make money but for life satisfaction. I just can't help thinking that--like the guy in the show Marshall's watching right now--it would be a lot more fun to have a job where I got to run through the snow next to a wolverine on a leash.

But another positive aspect of my job is that somehow--even though I'm just teaching Spanish 1--my Spanish is getting better. I've been watching a lot of "Betty la fea" and "Amar en tiempos revueltos" (check them out if you're looking for a good telenovela!) and my comprehension is much more . . . comprehensive. . . and requires much less effort than when I was watching them a year ago.


OH yes Marshall wanted me to add how excited we are about the community group we're going to be a part of with Christ Community Church-- there are a few couples our age, and a few couples in the next stage(s) of life. It was great this past week, and we are looking forward to beginning to become part of a community through that! It's fun to be around sweet families I knew in college again. Plus, the pastor leads this community group and he's an Alabama fan. He and Marshall both seem to be glad to have found another Alabama fan in Dawg country. I'm also excited about the small group I'm going to be in with my mentor from college and some people she knows in Athens -- we are meeting for the second time tonight! And Marshall is going tonight to a kickoff event with the Dean's Ambassadors at the bowling alley. . . YAY for finding friends!!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Duck Dynasty-- My inspiration this week.

Finished my book yesterday! Called Again was great. Between that and all the "Duck Dynasty" we've been watching on our "free" cable TV from UGA, I've spent a lot of time dreaming about which of my hobbies could become a job. The author of Called Again is a hiker, and owns a hiking company. And if you love duck hunting, what the people in Duck Dynasty appear to do for a living, is living. So, my hobbies. . . Running? Definitely not dedicated enough to that--at least lately. Reading? Writing? Oh wait. . . speaking Spanish!

I'm in a good job. Just gotta get used to it. Back to work tomorrow. Moral of that story: "You can always turn water into wine. If you're Jesus" --Jase, from "Duck Dynasty". Good thing I think that is probably exactly what Jesus is doing in my life/my job/Marshall's life and future job.

Exciting news--Marshall was accepted last week to be a Dean's Ambassador for the Law School! He'll get to give tours and help out with events for prospective students . . . and we'll find out what else eventually. Basically, he's one of the people who's the "face" of UGA Law. He's perfect for that! I'm excited for him.

I sold tickets at the JCCHS football game Friday night. Learned a lot about the area from the teachers I worked with. . . and from the "Redneck Out" that the opposing team had, making fun of JCCHS. They all wore cutoff jeans, sleeveless plaid shirts, and cowboy boots. Haters gonna hate.

The Georgia game was fun!! It's a lot more fun to tailgate and go to the game together; I'm happy we're both Dawgs! Marshall says he loves the school, but not the football team. "It's the barking; I can't handle it", he and his Tech+UGALaw friend agreed today while watching the Falcons game.

For next week, Marshall has planned a "gourmet burgers" night for us on Thursday, to give me something to be excited about when I hit a slump during the week :) The plan is to grill out and eat outside. It'll be our first time breaking in the grills/picnic area in our complex's shady courtyard!

Thanks for reading!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Working for the Weekend!!!

I don't even remember last week because the weekend has been so fun!

Let me try. . . Marshall was mentally pretty worn out by Wednesday but made it through the week. He said it feels like he's been in law school forever because every day is so dense with information, challenges, and interactions with new friends.

Teaching was fine this week, but I'm far from convinced that this will end up being the job for me. Marshall and I talk about the future a lot--it's exciting to think where we'll end up--but at this point my dreams of what I'll be doing in our future don't involve teaching. On the other hand, everyone I've talked to says you have to give teaching time before you can love it (or even know whether you love it!). It's only been a month, so I'll just keep on keeping on.

Life in Athens is wonderful! I love walking after school with the girl who's a school counselor and lives near us. The Law School intramural tennis team started this week too, and Marshall is excited to get to play tennis often this fall!

This weekend has been glorious. We started off seeing "The Great Gatsby" on the big screen at the Tate theater for $1 each on Friday night. Saturday morning, we headed to Johns Creek to see my family for lunch to celebrate my sweet grandma's 78th birthday! It was SO fun to be together with my fam for a great lunch prepared by mom. Mmmmm peach pie.

From the Reeces', we went to the Sims' to pick everyone up in our giant Sequoia (thanks Dad!!) to go to the Alabama game at the Dome (thanks Mike!!)! The tiny little girls stayed home with a babysitter, but all the big kids and their significant others came to the game--what a treat! Wish we'd gotten a shot with everyone in it :/ But here's me and Marshall from our incredible club-level seats!

We spent the night at the Sims and woke up to have a slow morning chatting/catching up with them. Marshall and I agreed that our favorite thing that both of our families do is taking it slow and hanging out for hours talking after a good meal. Quality time!

We trekked back to Athens to have lunch with our friends Ashley and Jesse, who are here for the weekend visiting Jesse's sister who's a freshman and UGA softball player. It was so fun to see them and then have a slow afternoon, and enjoy a long run. Ashley and I had breakfast and caught up this morning, and now Marshall and I are about to spend a few hours hiking and reading at the State Botanical Gardens. Side note, I started an AMAZING book this weekend from my favorite genre:

The writer basically IS me except that she sets speed records for hiking the whole Appalachian Trail. . . What I mean is that it's about being 24 and newly married and starting a big adventure with your husband. ADVENTURE!!

To finish out the weekend, Marshall's also excited to play tennis with a law school classmate this evening. Weekends are SO glorious! Looking ahead to next weekend, I am excited about going to my first JCCHS football game Friday and then going to the UGA/USC game as a "student" on Saturday!! Thanks for reading! :)

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Glade, Goat Therapy, Growing up = Good, Go Dawgs.

A couple of highlights from this week!
Athens is beautiful! The best place in the world for running. 
- Marshall loves law school. He was overprepared for his first day of class--YESSssssss. At his current level of thoroughness, I don't think he's going to have to study for finals. Of course, he will anyway--because he's so thorough. Go Marshall!
- Dad and Nanny are both doing well and have no further issues after both having some medical issues this week-- relieved and glad they are recovering!
- There are some amazing churches in Athens. We LOVE the small town/small church feel. Now which one to choose. . . ? So many great people!
- Our apartment no longer smells like someone's wet chihuahua. Thank you, Glade!
- The Beamer got new tires! $$$$ And it needs some other repair. . .  $$$$$$$$$$$
- I got my student ID so that I can get a membership at Ramsey!!!!! They call it a "Student Dependent" card. I depend on Marshall for a lot of OTHER things, but currently I'm not actually a "dependent" in the usual sense of the word. . .HA! But I AM dependent on him for access to university facilities. While pulling out his wallet to pay for the card, Marshall told me this was "$20 out my pocket."
Growing up is a GOOD thing. 
What a concise depiction of how I've changed in the last 6 years! Based on my facial expression alone, not to mention my name is different. This contrast is overly significant to me--I think because it shows me that I am who I hoped I'd be, and I'm becoming who I want to be.

- Marshall's addicted to Pepperoncinis. Gross. Looks like it's a Pavlov-esque addiction, because he said he's had them every day while he's studying, and right now he can't even focus on studying he's craving them so bad. Since these roles will be reversed eventually, is it my job to go to the store to pick up what he's craving?
- A Pixie le gusta comer. [Pixie likes to eat] He's making his debut in my classes this week in a powerpoint where I introduce how to talk about things my students like to do. Specifically, Pixie likes to eat raspberries and popcorn. And he likes Marshall, who feeds him.

 - There's another young person at JCCHS!! One of the counselors is my age and just started at JCCHS too-- and she lives right near us in Athens! We met up after school to go on a walk one evening this week. And we found this (below). Apparently, UGA's kudzu-infested areas are undergoing goat therapy.
"Prescribed Grazing"
I'm going to plant some kudzu on Tate's roof so UGA will be forced to start its own Goats on the Roof. Didn't see any of the goats, though.

We are loving our adventures in Athens!! Life is good, beautiful, sunny, and in a wi-fi cloud here. We have everything we could ever need!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

First full week in Athens

We're here now! Marshall finished his research job at C21U and coaching at Camp
I came one day and finally met his boss
whom he's worked with for 2 years! 
 I said goodbye to camp, and we said goodbye to Atlanta

And I started with new teacher orientation and preplanning at my new school on August 5-8. Kids came August 9. And this past week was my first full week of school with students.

The "New Gym" and tons of Panthers
at Jackson County High School
Today will be us finishing up getting settled. If we were keeping a list of "worst weeks ever", last week is probably on that list for both of us because of moving. My parents helped a SO much with getting our furniture moved on Thursday a week ago; we just had a lot of "stuff" to sort through and decide what would fit at our new place and what our parents would graciously store for a few years :)

First week of school was "fine" . . . which was usually my answer to my mom when I was in high school too. Nothing extraordinarily good or extraordinarily bad. The kids are really respectful, responsive to correction, and interested in learning Spanish, and the parents seem great too. My highlight was playing the girls' varsity volleyball team with a few other teachers after school on Wednesday (in the new gym!). Marshall came up to bring my clothes, and he got roped into playing too--it was a lot of fun. I'm happy for any opportunity to get to know other teachers! Least favorite thing this week was my Smart Board--because it rarely works for one reason or another.

Marshall had Orientation for law school yesterday and Thursday. I am so excited for him as it seems like UGA Law sets the tone for students to work hard, have a positive experience, and develop good relationships while they're here. He loved the speaker they had yesterday, who cast a vision for them to use practicing law to serve others--not to serve themselves. It looks like it is going to be a challenging semester, but it also seems like he is really really prepared for what's ahead. He's so excited to finally begin heading towards what he really wants to do someday.

We are both a little apprehensive about how our new environments will change us, but I think we are both well prepared for what we will be doing this year. We are looking forward to getting to know people and settling into our routine! Marshall has one more day of orientation and then his first day of classes on Tuesday.

We miss friends/family/co-workers in Atlanta! I've really appreciated people letting me know they're thinking/praying for me this week :)

Sunday, July 7, 2013

College Town Bound!

Marshall and I are getting more and more thrilled about this fall--we are so excited. I think we've told most of our family by this point, but WE'RE MOVING TO ATHENS!!! Marshall is starting Law School at UGA, and I am blessed to have gotten a job teaching Spanish at Jackson County Comprehensive High School, around 30 mins from Athens! It's so clear now why we  weren't supposed to get any of the houses we put offers on this spring. :) Thank God!!

A few of my bucket-list items for the fall:
* Athens Half Marathon (training with Kat--we'll be living ~10 min. walk from her in family/grad. housing!)  
and training on the UGA IM Fields, which are also super close to where we'll live!
* Kayaking on the Oconee River
* Studying/Paper-grading dates at 2 Story Coffeehouse!
* Georgia Football!

Today I've been going through my flashdrive from my student-teaching in college, and I found some awesome stuff--things I've completely forgotten! It's full of ideas, best-practices, and lesson plans from all the teachers/students/professors/fellow-students I worked with during my senior year of college! But my biggest takeaway is a confidence-builder from one of the weekly "journal entries" we had to write: 

I am very tired at the end of this week, because in addition to being observed, applying to TFA, going to the job fair, and teaching/planning full time, I also planned my friend’s bachelorette weekend and had two lengthy conference calls (along with time spent preparing for those) for my part-time job.

SO glad I'll be able to only focus on teaching this fall!! Hopefully, that semester prepared me for anything/everything from an exhaustion standpoint. I can't wait for my teaching adventure that's only a few weeks away now!! 

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Parasites. . . gross.

PS (pre-script)- We didn't get that house we put an offer on. Still searching! Sorry for not updating people who read my last post! :)

People like to write inspirational things about love and ​marriage because people also like to read inspirational things about love and marriage. I'm not big on inspiration. . . it doesn't usually lead to change. This post is about hope--which changes everything. 
​This morning, the conflict was about cleaning (note--I did get Marshall's permission to post this :) ). On the spectrum of neat freak to messy, neither of us is an extreme, but I do lean towards neat freak, and Marshall would lean towards messy. We both left the conversation frustrated. 
There are a couple of things that led to resolution on my end: 1) Asking myself, "What's it like to be married to me?" Before we got married, a book I saw with that question as the title inspired me to ask myself that. Which made me realize "Sure, I can be fun to be around, but I'm also pretty hard on myself and pretty demanding of myself." That's right--I called it: I can be pretty demanding and pretty hard on Marshall. But we also have fun together. It's a big step in how I've always thought, for me to even realize that my harshness itself is sin--it's not justified just because I'm convinced I'm right and the other person is wrong. 
The second thing that led to resolution for me was remembering the reality portrayed in Romans 5:8- "But God demonstrates his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." CS Lewis elaborates on this idea so well in The Four Loves: 
God, who needs nothing, loves into existence wholly superfluous creatures in order that he may love and perfect them. . . If I may dare the biological image, God is a 'host' who deliberately creates His own parasites; causes us to be that we may exploit and 'take advantage of' Him. Herein is love. This is the diagram of Love Himself, the inventor of all loves.
Marshall and I are "parasites" to each other sometimes--hurting and insulting each other. But what brings my heart to repentance and forgiveness is seeing the great love of our God. He needed nothing, but gave me life so that he could love me--knowing that I could never return that love to the degree he's given it to me. And that's the love described by Romans 5:8-- that when I had done nothing to deserve God's love, when I didn't want his love and didn't know I needed his love in order to be saved, he gave his life for me. God's love for me starts with me at zero-- me meriting nothing. But he gives generously! How can I self-righteously condemn another person for not being "good enough" in whatever standard I hold, when I know that I can never ever be "good enough"--and that God loved me before I could even acknowledge that I don't  measure up? 

I'm able to forgive and forget, knowing we will probably keep having this argument, when I rest in the love God has given to me in Jesus and let that fuel loving the people around me. I find inexpressible joy in my hope in Christ! 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

We made an offer on this crazy awesome house. The awesome part is that just last year, it was worth more than double what it is now, but now WE can afford it because it foreclosed. It's on a cul-de-sac, it's beautiful, in a great neighborhood, in a great location--so many things about it are perfect. The crazy part is that WE are trying to buy it. It's been on the market like 48 hours now, and it has around 20 offers. Because it's that awesome. It would be CRAZY if we get this house.

Our lender is awesome. So is our realtor. They've worked with us so much more than I would have expected this weekend, to help us have the best chance possible of getting this house. But when it comes down to it, we KNOW it will be an act of GOD if they choose OUR offer. Maybe they'll think we're cute and want us to have it? We'd be so much better in an interview than on paper.

I haven't been able to nap this afternoon even though I'm still tired from Passion, because my mind and heart are racing thinking about "OMG what if we get this house?! NO--don't get too excited, there's no way y'all will get it."

And the way I'm coping haha right now is remembering that, as they helped us meditate on at Passion, God does immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine. Specifically, Paul gives thanks in Ephesians 3:20 "to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think. . . " I've been able to chill out a little thinking about all the ways I've seen God do ABUNDANTLY MORE in my life than I ever could have known to ask. I've concluded that yes, we are asking for this house, and it would be MORE than we could have expected. But we've already seen God give abundantly through the amazing people we get to work with--our lender, realtor, and family--and HE himself, knowing him, is so much more than I ever could have asked or imagined. Romans 8:28 says, "And we know that all things work together for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose." So maybe the "good" he has for us is getting this house. Maybe it's not. I've seen him be faithful to this promise in ways I would have wanted and in ways I never could have imagined--so that's what I'm "resting" in, as I attempt to rest and catch up on sleep.

I mean watch the premier of Downton Abbey.

We'll find out about the house on THURSDAY!!